Distortion of the vote: Legault closes the door in a double turn to a reform of the voting system

François Legault double-locks the door to a reform of the voting system, despite a distortion between the popular vote and the number of seats obtained by the parties.

• Read also: 13% of the votes and no deputy, “it’s not normal”, claims Duhaime

• Read also: An “unfair” voting system, denounces PSPP

“I was very clear during the election campaign, I made a commitment not to reopen the debate on the voting method, so I will respect my commitment,” said the re-elected Prime Minister on Tuesday, the day after the election.

Péquistes, Solidarity and Conservatives denounce the disproportion of the vote Monday between the support for the various policies and the number of seats obtained. The leader of the Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, even goes so far as to say that the current system is “unfair”. With 14.6% of the vote, only three PQ deputies will enter the National Assembly.

Difference between votes cast and seats obtained

Is the current voting system effective in representing the popular will?

Dated October 3, 2022

Compare with the number of seats obtained

No voting system is perfect, argues François Legault. “There are advantages and disadvantages in each of the voting methods,” he insisted, at a press conference on Île d’Orléans.

More details to come…

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