dissidence, namesake and look-alike parasitize the campaign of elected officials



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Friday, May 27, 16 days before the legislative elections, the journalist Alexandre Peyrout, on the set of 12/13, presents the campaign newspaper.

On Wednesday May 25, the Renaissance party (ex-LREM) expelled 91 of its members for dissent. Since the agreement between the PS and the NUPES, 70 dissident candidacies have been counted. “They are supported by the elephants of the Socialist Party“, such as François Hollande, explains Alexandre Peyrout on the set of 12/13, Friday May 27.

On the side of the RN, the campaign does not start. Marine Le Pen is increasing her travels to support her candidates and show that she is Emmanuel Macron’s main opponent. A big weekend of mobilization is planned for next week“, details Hugo Capelli, live from Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais). In the 9ᵉ district of Paris, the candidate Sandrine Rousseau (NUPES), will face another Sandrine Rousseau from the movement of rurality. Finally , Nour Durand-Raucher, municipal councilor for the city of Paris and lookalike of Jean-Michel Blanquer, will support the candidate opposed to the former Minister of Education.

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