Disproportionate number of injuries | The NFL will scrutinize the special teams

(Los Angeles) The NFL is looking closely at special teams, where a disproportionate number of injuries have come from this season.

Posted at 8:26 p.m.

Barry Wilner
Associated Press

One in six concussions occurred in play involving these units, which also led to 30% of serious knee injuries and 29% of other lower body injuries.

Considering that only 17% of games are played with special teams, the numbers are problematic.

“Kickoffs and punts are a priority on the health and safety side,” said league executive vice-president Jeff Miller.

There has been a decrease in concussions overall.

On the other hand, the rate of concussions on clearances could lead to actions as early as the end of March, when the owners will meet.

“It’s something that demands our attention,” said Dr.r Allen Sills, NFL Chief Medical Officer. On punts, the data speaks for itself. The injury rate far exceeds the others. »

Data released Monday by the NFL showed 187 concussions in 2021 (preseason games, practices and the regular season).

A figure up from 172 the previous season, but there were no exhibition games in 2020, due to the pandemic. The rate of concussions has decreased overall.

Sills is encouraged, but he also believes much more can be done.

“We’re happy with the number of concussions, but we don’t think it’s the complete picture,” Sills said. We want to work hard to eliminate avoidable head contact. »

Miller noted that going from 16 to 17 regular season games (minus one preseason game) didn’t seem to affect injury trends.

When it comes to COVID-19 cases and testing, Sills and Miller believe the league’s protocols have worked.

When the Omicron variant hit in December, the impact was like a wave, Sills said: the numbers jumped, then they plummeted.

There were 347 positive tests in the week of December 19, 411 the following week and 216 in the last week of the calendar. Among the 14 clubs in the playoff games, there have been 37 cases.

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