disparities between service stations in the application of the 18-cent discount


Article written by

S.Lanson, PL.Monnier, G.Pinol, J.Chouquet – France 2

France Televisions

A discount of 18 euro cents per liter of fuel will come into effect on Friday 1 April. If some service stations are already applying it, others will not be able to meet the deadline.

16,000 liters of diesel arrive, Tuesday, March 29, at a service station in Compiègne (Oise). The fuel was bought 18 euro cents cheaper, thanks to the state subsidy. “Given that our suppliers, yesterday, played the game earlier than expected, it is normal that we pass on this drop earlier than expected”, explains Gérald Guerdin, manager of the company Guerdin Max et fils. At the pump, it will therefore not wait for Friday, April 1, the official date of the drop.

The diesel here fell to 2,012 euros. However, motorists are divided when it comes to refueling. “A good thing” according to some, but “not enough” for others. If some are early to apply the discount, others will be late. This is the case of a rural station, which will not be able to sell its 11,000 liters of stock purchased at a high price the previous week before Friday. “We still have old product at expensive prices, so we can’t apply the discount”laments Catherine Mazand, manager of the Civiale company.

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