Disorders of intimate life, sleep disorders … Grégory Zaoui in prison, the heavy consequences

Grégory Zaoui lived his best life between 2008 and 2009 thanks to carbon tax fraud. For months, he and his traveling companions found the loophole that allowed them to fill their pockets by emptying those of the state, until their little game ended and was unmasked. The operation nicknamed “heist of the century” was even the subject of a documentary released on Netflix in November, The kings of the scam. The great protagonists confide in it in turn. If they told the most golden part of the case, the darkest side had remained secret until Wednesday, February 2. Grégory Zaoui spent seven long years in Fresnes prison for taking part in and launching this vast scam. He agreed to tell more to Jordan de Luxe and especially confided that hell continues despite his release from prison. Living in a prison environment is not insignificant and has consequences that are almost impossible to eliminate: “Prison causes post-prison damage that cannot be seen physically: very serious sleep disturbances, disturbances in intimate life, disturbances that cannot be explained! Moments of slump, you don’t want to see anyone, you don’t want to hear anyone, you’re tired and you don’t know why“.

If Grégory Zaoui affirms that these famous “troubles“space out, they will never completely disappear:”The more time passes, the more they are spaced out in time but there are many people, when they come out of detention, they are tanned, muscular. But there are things inside that are broken, unseen, and beyond repair.“Marked by his time in the prison of Fresnes, in the Paris suburbs, Grégory Zaoui gave details of his daily life behind bars.

In Fresnes, the conditions of detention are terrible: you are 3 in the cell, you have bed bugs – I was itchy all over my body. You have rats that are the size of a cat“explained Grégory Zaoui to Jordan de Luxe, shocked by the words of his guest. If he did not experience violent attacks and assaults, he nevertheless thought of the worst: “I thought about death“. He also admits to having tried to end his life twice”with medication“: “I almost got put in a psychiatric hospital” he confessed before finally being released on conditions.

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