Disney unveils a sequel to Inside Out and a new feature film for its 100th anniversary

(Anaheim) Disney delighted thousands of fans on Friday at its “D23 Expo” festival near Los Angeles by announcing a sequel to its hit animated film Vice versa and presenting a new feature film, Wishwhich will be released for its 100th anniversary next year.

Posted at 11:01 a.m.

The Anaheim Convention Center in California has seen stars such as Jude Law or Jamie Lee Curtis and admirers of fantastic creatures from the Disney universe parade for the return of this biennial gathering, suspended due to the pandemic.

The Mickey Mouse studio took the opportunity to announce Vice Versa 2which is scheduled for release in the summer of 2024, almost 10 years after the first part, which had met with immense success.

The feature film, awarded the Oscar for best animated film in 2016, told the complex coexistence of emotions (anger, joy, fear, sadness, disgust) in the head of an introverted little girl, Riley.

Amy Poehler will once again voice the role of Joy, while Kelsey Mann will direct.

“I read the script and it’s incredible,” promised Amy Poehler without revealing too much. She just explained that the plot was taking place again in the consciousness of Riley, who had become a teenager, evoking in passing the appearance of a “new emotion”.

Another big surprise, the announcement of the film eliofrom Pixar studios – part of the Disney galaxy – which chronicles the adventures of an 11-year-old child, accidentally propelled into an Earth ambassador when he finds himself transported across the galaxy.

Yonas Kibreab will play the role of the young boy, alongside America Ferrera (from the series Ugly Betty), who will play his mother, Olga.

Disney also showed footage of Wishwhich is set in an enchanted kingdom and explores the origins of magic and the band’s signature shooting star.

Ariana DeBose, who triumphed at the 2022 Oscars for her role in West Side Story, has joined the cast of this production which will be released in 2023, for the 100th anniversary of the animation giant.

Fans of the brand’s great classics were also served, with the first images of Mufasaprequel to the mythical Lion Kingand the adaptation of The little Mermaid with so-called live-action techniques.

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