Dismayed, Stéphane Berne leaves the capital: “Paris has become a trash can”

During an interview with the Parisian, this Saturday, November 13, 2021, Stéphane Bern shared his bad mouth about the city of Paris. Fervent resident of the Pigalle district – as we can discover during his interview – the animator passionate about the History of France expressed all his sorrow at seeing the French capital become increasingly dirty.

At almost 58 years old, this Sunday, November 14, Stéphane Bern announced to our colleagues his wish to leave Paris. A desire soon to materialize since on December 14, the journalist and host will settle at the “campaign“, in a former royal and military college (located in Eure-et-Loir) that he had previously bought in 2013. A move”painful“First explained by the confinement but also by the unsanitary state of the city.” I have lived there since I was 10 years old, and I can’t take it anymore. I spent two confinements at home, in Perche, where I am lucky to have more space, “he shared. And to continue:”As my job allows me to work largely remotely, I made the choice to return my Parisian apartment in Pigalle, where I had lived for eighteen years. I will be back for work, but will now be accommodated. (…) Despite the small pain in my heart, I am relieved to leave. I felt like I was going crazy …

Between “dirt, holes in the road, permanent construction sites, noise, and above all, above all, violence“, the journalist has had enough of this city which is at the same time neglected by the residents but also filled with tensions.”Paris has become a trash can“, he then estimated, mentioning that Parisians do not think enough of others, nor of the prestige of the City of Light.

A terrible observation that he does not blame the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, but which affects him. Painful to see many soiled or damaged infrastructures, Stéphane Bern then confided in very worried for the Parisians. As the 2024 Olympic Games approach, Yori Bailleres’ husband hopes that things will not turn out “a nightmare for Parisians“.

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