Disinformation is wreaking havoc among the rebels

OTTAWA | Conspiracy theories, religious beliefs and distrust of authorities are mixed among protesters met in Ottawa by The newspaperillustrating the ravages of disinformation within this popular uprising.

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“It is God who sends me here”, launches Everard Brideau, 67 years old. Calm and peaceful, the New Brunswicker nevertheless defied the line of police in front of him, Friday, in Ottawa.

According to him, the victims of COVID-19 in the country “did not die from the virus, they died from the vaccine”.

And when the representative of the Newspaper told him that he had received three doses, Mr. Brideau assured him of one death within the next three years.

“It’s meant to kill you. They want to reduce two-thirds of the population, ”launches the sixty-something.

Who are these “they”?

“The multimillionaires, those who control the planet,” he continues.

Everard Brideau, Demonstrator

Photo Hugo Duchaine

Everard Brideau, Demonstrator

The help of a shaman

However, he knows a shaman willing to clean us of vaccines and it can even be done over the phone, promises Mr. Brideau.

Ontario protester Shannon Schoutese also believes that vaccines are responsible for many deaths.

She has no confidence in the figures and statistics put forward by the government.

Whether it is for the number of victims of COVID-19 or the side effects of the vaccine, she says she is getting information “elsewhere”.

She recently traveled to Ottawa to support the convoy because ” [ses] boots were to follow [ses] chops”.

“The only way to make the pandemic go away is to get Justin Trudeau out [du Parlement] “, adds the 50-year-old.

On Friday, she was ready to be arrested if it came to that.

Guinea pigs, according to them

Similar ideas are constantly chanted in the streets of Ottawa by demonstrators who consider themselves victims of “a failed scientific experiment” carried out by “corrupt tyrants”.

Posters in front of the Ottawa parliament also promote various conspiracy theories.

Several demonstrators are brandishing signs with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the Constitution.

They do not say they are anti-vaccine, but rather against the obligation to receive it.

The vast majority of protesters approached by The newspaper refused to speak publicly.

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