Disgruntled boss pays his ex-employee by unloading 91,500 oily pennies in his driveway

The owner of an American garage is said to have unloaded 91,500 oily pennies into the driveway of a former employee to whom he refused to return the $915 he owed him. He was forced to pay nearly $40,000 in additional wages and damages, a court in Georgia has ruled.

“How do you make sure this guy realizes what a disgusting example of a human being he is. I have plenty of money; I’m going to use them,” Miles Walker, owner of A OK Walker Autoworks garage in Georgia, allegedly said, according to a civil lawsuit filed by the US Department of Labor and reported by CNN Business on Wednesday.

In January 2022, a feud reportedly broke out between the garage owner and his former employee, Andreas Flaten, who allegedly took his clicks and slaps by quitting. It was then that he reportedly turned to the US Department of Labor, indicating that he had not received his last salary of $915.

But instead of handing them over to him without fuss, Miles Walker would have decided instead to soak 91,500 cents in oil before unloading the package weighing 500 pounds in the entrance of his ex-employee.

For his gesture, the man will have to pay an additional salary of $19,967 to his former employee as well as $19,967 in damages, for a total amount of nearly $40,000, ruled judge Timothy Batten, in him ordering not to “threaten or intimidate […] [,] retaliate against or discriminate” against its former or current employees, according to CNN.

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