disfigured, one of the candidates for the title ends up in the hospital!

Currently in Guadeloupe, the 30 candidates for the Miss France election are preparing for the big show, which will be broadcast on TF1 on December 17, under the leadership of the unbeatable MC Jean-Pierre Foucault. An evening which, each time, brings together millions of viewers and ignites the ratings. This year, the ceremony will pay tribute to the 7th Art and will take place in the MACH 36 room in the town of Déols, north of Châteauroux. A promise of beautiful festivities on the eve of the end-of-year celebrations… Enthusiastic, Frédéric Gilbert, artistic producer of the show, moreover confided to our colleagues from “Parisien”: “It’s amazing to have so many personal stories so strong! As they are not there following a casting but because they were elected, it is not a will of the production. It’s just a portrait of the society of 2022.“And it is true that the personalities of the Misses in the running will really be highlighted this year. Each of them has their own personal story and their little daily worries too…

All this is just a sublime adventure… nothing is serious

Attacked by a mosquito,overnight from Thursday to Friday“As our colleagues indicate, Bérénice Legendre, the superb Miss Picardie 2022, found herself badly damaged when she woke up! Over-swollen and painful eyelid… Just when she was expected for a photo shoot! Fortunately, the beauty was medically taken care of and was able to request a postponement of her session with the photographer. Fortunately, as Cindy Fabre indicated this Sunday, November 27 in the columns of the same daily: “The Misses are a family”. And all were in solidarity with Bérénice Legendre, starting with the current beauty queen Diane Leyre who is particularly close to the candidates for her succession: “I relax the candidates by telling them that all this is just a sublime adventure but that nothing is serious”, she confides on a daily basis. It only remains to count the days to see who, among them, will wear the sublime crown of Miss France 2023 signed Mauboussin.

France Live

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