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A few days ago, researchers discovered a new secret passage in the pyramid of Cheops (Egypt).
The pyramid of Cheops (Egypt) has fascinated people for 45 centuries. She has just revealed one of her secrets. For the first time in 1000 years, a new cavity has been unearthed, just above the northern entrance, behind monumental stone rafters. The corridor is 9 meters long by 2 meters wide. For more than seven years, an international scientific mission has been scanning the pyramid with particles that have the ability to cross matter. This is how they discovered, in red, a small empty space.
Infiltration by an endoscopic camera
The sighting was later confirmed by radar. “From 2017, we knew that there was a void behind, simply, we did not want to dig at random (…), so additional measures were needed”, explains Sébastien Prosecutor, engineer-researcher. Finally, a few days ago, an endoscope camera 5mm in diameter infiltrated between the stones without damage. What was this room used for? The mystery remains intact but the Egyptian archaeologists are enthusiastic.