Dancer, choreographer, actress and model, Naomi is now also a singer-songwriter. This dream that she had never dared to pursue has now come true.
Posted yesterday at 6:00 p.m.
Those around her often told her that she should try her luck in music. But even if she grew up rubbing shoulders with people from the artistic world, “without stigma towards careers in the arts”, fear has always held her back. “I’m realistic, I know it’s not easy and I’m a harsh judge of everything I do,” said Naomi, reached by phone last Friday, the day of the release of her self-titled album.
But, without her expecting it, fate knocked on her door. In 2019, in Paris, Béatrice Martin (Coeur de pirate) met rapper Rymz (Rémi Daoust) at the Loud concert, for which he provided the first part. The next day, she wrote to him asking if his girlfriend, whom she had seen on his Instagram page, could sing. His girlfriend, you guessed it, is Naomi.
“A little later, Béa wrote to me to tell me that she was interested in doing a project, says the latter. I was at a point in my dancing career where I found that I didn’t was bookish not, I was in existential questioning. The two women met. Naomi emailed a cover of Adele, which confirmed to Beatrice that her instincts hadn’t deceived her. Shortly after, they wrote the rhythmic all oursthe first extract from the eponymous album that Naomi has just launched.
“It doesn’t make sense,” she repeats on the phone. Months later, this story still seems surreal to him. If she has always pursued her dreams with relentless determination — “to earn a living in dance, you really have to not let go of the potato, let’s say! — this time the opportunity to sing simply presented itself to her. Of course, she took that chance.
It’s not glamour to say that I didn’t trust myself and that I did it because people told me that I could. But it looks like this! And that’s okay, I think I have the right not to have been there fearless girl from the start. I have been for pretty much everything else in my life.
Before the music, there was the game (she played on the small as well as the big screen), then, above all, the dance (we see it in particular in the music videos of Rihanna, Cœur de pirate or Marie-Mai). Experiences that serve her now that she presents herself as a singer-songwriter. “I can’t even imagine how people do when they get to their first show without ever having made a scene. I would have dropped dead! »
In its place
Her fears disappeared once she joined the Bravo Musique record company, run by Béatrice Martin, and teamed up with director Gary Wide (who can “do everything”).
They are so on the mark that after that, I knew I couldn’t be better surrounded and it couldn’t not work. And not “walk” in the direction of commercial success, but creatively and in the feeling of personal success. It was impossible for me not to feel good with this team.
Naomi, on working with Béatrice Martin and Gary Wide
When the time came to compose, his romantic past (preceding his relationship with Rémi, who also collaborated on a song on the album) emerged as a fertile vein. ” The good old heartbreak, she summarizes. I had so many bad luck. The world is surprised that I’m getting married next year, I was going to be the unlucky bachelor for life! »
The artist wraps his words in music with varied tones, sometimes dancing, sometimes deeper. “Something disparate, but homogeneous, with the nuances that allow me to understand my personality”, she illustrates.
If a long road (which she does not regret at all) led her to this new adventure, Naomi feels in her place. ” After the show [de lancement]one of my friends said to me: I saw you stepping into yourself [Je t’ai vue devenir qui tu es]. It is exactly the feeling. I’ve been performing for a long time and I rarely felt this feeling-the. »

Bravo Music