Arcangues, a village at the gates of BAB, bordering Anglet and Biarritz, is a place where life is good with unusual facilities and places. It is steeped in history, notably with the Arcangues family who did a lot for the village. See you there this week to spend our Sunday morning there. The appointment is given at the Restaurant du Trinquet, at Jean-Claude Astigarraga, and around the table, we receive Nicolas Dufau, a pilotari used to the trinquet d’Arcangues, Alexandre de la Cerda, to tell us about the castle of Arcangues , Carole Etcheverry, co-manager of the Treehouses and finally, Arnaud d’Arcangues, who will tell us about the Arcangues golf course.
– Ainhoa Altuna
The Trinquet Restaurant
It was Jean-Claude Astigarraga, from the Restaurant du Trinquet who received us this morning. It was in 2010 that he took over the restaurant in which he offers typical Basque seasonal dishes to his customers. Jean-Claude also manages the trinquet, where local pilotari come to type and where pelota lessons are also held for children. Nicolas Dufau, local pilotari, tells us about it as a warm place where it is good to spend time with family and friends.
It was Carole Etcheverry who came to introduce us to this place which will celebrate its first anniversary in June 2022. The Arcangues cabins are 7 small wooden cabins, each representing a province of the Basque Country and which are perched in the trees. Carole and her brother Xabi are the co-managers and were able to set up this project in partnership with the municipality of Arcangues. Several formulas are offered for these cabins, from a simple night to a gourmet meal in cabins accessible to all, whether via a footbridge or a zip line.
Arcangues golf course
It was at the end of the 90s that the Arcangues brothers had the idea of creating this golf course in order to enrich the offer already present on the Basque coast but saturated at the time. It is thanks to an American architect and a local company that the project was born on the family’s land. Since then, the Arcangues golf course has become an essential destination for lovers of this sport and one of the particularities of this course is that 3 of its holes surround the Château d’Arcangues. There is also a restaurant, created in a 19th century house, open to everyone and which offers a magnificent view of the Basque landscape.
The castle of Arcangues
The Arcangues family has been present in this territory since the 12th century and we do not really know if it is the village that gave the name to the family or the reverse. The current castle of Arcangues was rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century and has remained as it is since. Celebrities from all over the world have slept there, from Napoleon to Wellington. Today, it is a place dedicated to culture and it is possible to rent the Château d’Arcangues to organize receptions of all kinds (baptisms, weddings…).