discovering the Ura, the rare bird of Rimatara


Video length: 4 mins.

France 3

Article written by

H. Puffeney, E. Martin, P. Minet – France 3

France Televisions

The 19/20 from France 3 takes you on a discovery of the Ura, a rare bird that lives on the island of Rimatara in the Pacific Ocean.

Rimatara Island is a miniature 9 square kilometer piece of land in the Pacific Ocean. It has been transformed into a refuge for a protected and unique bird in the world. Green, red, blue and yellow coat, here is the Ura. If it has not disappeared from the southern lands, it is thanks to the help of the inhabitants of the island. They track, as soon as tourists arrive, the presence of black rats. If they settle on the island, it is the disappearance for the rare bird. However, this is not the only threat hanging over this multicolored parakeet.

many predators

A Franco-American researcher has found that rare birds lay their eggs inside tree trunks. However, predators can harm these eggs. This is why some nests are now protected from predators. The inhabitants are aware that they need wood to survive. They therefore touch nests of Ura.

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