Video length: 4 mins.
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On a European scale, barely twenty pilots are capable of such a feat. In Finland, helicopter pruning is extremely effective and saves considerable time.
Finland is a country covered with three-quarters of forest and thousands of kilometers of power lines. To avoid cuts caused by falling branches, the Finns have invented a high-performance pruning method that is as spectacular as it is dangerous. Timo Ylitervo is one of those pilots who practice helicopter tree pruning. “It’s not hydraulically operated, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to work, here it’s manual so you can really be aggressive in the steering”, he explains. He was one of the very first 30 years ago to practice this profession.
Only about ten pilots are able to prune
In one day, he can practice the equivalent of an entire month of pruning with conventional methods from the ground. The giant saw is custom designed with nine circular saws over six meters in length. “It cuts big branches in an instant so you really have to stay away when it works”, warns Kim Bergstrom, mechanic. Only about ten people are capable of piloting this type of machine. This method requires perfect weather conditions.