discovering the port of Beer


Article written by

M. September, C. Madini, M. Bradshaw – France 2

France Televisions

This week, the 13 Hours of France 2 makes you discover so-called charming ports. Thursday, September 8, direction the United Kingdom and more precisely the port of Beer.

Continuation of the series on charming ports proposed this week in the 13 Hours of France 2. Thursday, September 8, the teams of France Télévisions take you to the other side of the Channel, in the port of Beer (United Kingdom) . A tiny fishing port, Beer was once a haunt of pirates long ago. From now on, its inhabitants live to the rhythm of the tides, because to get there, you have to go through the beach.

The port is a bit special. Here, the port is on the beach and the boats land on the pebbles. No docks, nothing at all. The bay is rich in fish, in particular thanks to the reefs and corals that the inhabitants of the coast have preserved to perpetuate their tradition. The village lives to the rhythm of the sea and to that of the comings and goings of the six fishing boats.

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