Video length: 4 mins.
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Since its inauguration in 1887, the Nice Observatory has been a center of astrophysics. This monument of grandiose architecture is also a museum. Reporting.
On the heights of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), between sky and sea, is the largest astronomical dome in Europe. Under its 24m diameter vault hides a giant telescope, the gateway to the planets. Visitors discover a Greek temple, surmounted by a pharaoh, adorned with 6,000 gold leaves. Although the Nice observatory no longer allows observation of the planets, it still houses several research laboratories and a museum. Measuring instruments on display are a reminder that generations of astronomers have succeeded in writing the history of galaxies.
“The Great Equatorial”
“We go back in time. We will see far into space, so far into the past. We will go back to the origins of the universe that surrounds us”, explains Robin Osstyn, a mediator guide. Until 2017, under the main dome was the iconic lunette, nicknamed “the great equatorial”. This observatory is the fruit of a local elected official and patron, Raphaël Bischoffsheim. In 1880, he decided to call on Charles Garnier and Gustave Eiffel to realize his dream. This site is only open to the public by appointment, as it remains a research institute.