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The Easter holidays have started in some areas in France. In Moselle, the Volerie des aigles, built in a castle in ruins dating from the 13th century, offers activities for children.
In a 13th century castle, visitors have the unique opportunity to observe some of the world’s largest birds of prey flying just above their heads. Every day, the Volerie des aigles, in Moselle, offers its visitors 40 minutes of visit, astonishment and discovery. “There is a bird that climbed on my hand and I had a very big feeling“, admits a young girl. “For children (…), interaction is cool“says a mother. The site presents 40 species of raptors.
From the creation of the aviary in 1968, the idea was to change the image of birds of prey and ensure their survival. “There, we are on the griffon vulture, an impressive vulture, here we reach the 2.80 meter wingspan. It really is one of the emblems“, says Rosie Desblesanimal keeper. At the beginning of spring, at the breeding center, it’s effervescence. The eggs remain in the incubators for 28 to 60 days depending on the species, until hatching. They are then fed by hand before being reunited with their parents. Each year, 60 to 80 birds of prey are born in the aviary.