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The galette des rois is one of the little pleasures of January. If those with frangipane still appeal to the French, other regional specialties also defend their strengths. Report in Ariège.
In bakeries, the galette des rois is the star of the beginning of the year. It comes in several forms. If the frangipane remains a classic, in Varilhes (Ariège), the local specialty is called the cockle of the kings. It is a brioche crown, with orange blossom. “I would only say one word: a delight”, comments a customer.
The boss, Didier Luchet, inherited the recipe from the former owner of the premises 20 years ago. Preparing a good hull requires know-how. “A shell is done over three days. I make a Wednesday dough, I turn it on Thursday, and I put it in the oven on Friday”, details the baker. While Epiphany marks the peak in sales, demand for kings cakes begins on the first day of the year. Like all craftsmen, Didier Luchet is affected by the rise in the cost of raw materials. He decided not to pass inflation on to his prices.