discovering Neige, the future star of the Show



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For its 2022 edition, the Agricultural Show highlighted Snow, a four-year-old cow, from Haute-Savoie.

It is in the town of Grand-Bornand, in Haute-Savoie, that Neige was bred, a four-year-old cow who is the pride of her owner: she is the face of the next Agricultural Show. . Its appearance, typical of a cow of the abundance breed, made the difference. This breed evolves mainly in alpine and snowy regions, hence the name of the cow, which still needs time to get used to television cameras.

A member of a herd of around fifty dairy cows, Neige can produce up to 20 liters of milk per day. A milk which is particularly useful in the manufacture of a cheese from the region: reblochon. During the day, Neige is fed like other cows, with cereals and hay. But it benefits from a slight preferential treatment: “we brush her a little more often and we take her out a little more often so that she learns to walk for the big day”, explains his breeder Philippe Missilier

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