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Tuesday, March 15, the 13 Hours continues its soap opera to discover cheeses in the world. An American blue, awarded the title of “best cheese in the world”is in the spotlight.
The valley in southern Oregon (USA) is known for its good wine, but also for its good cheese. Located on the West Coast of the United States, this region produces a blue, sacred “best cheese in the world” in 2019. David Gremmels, president of the Rogue Creamery court, is happy to show off his cut. “It really shows the excellence of master cheesemakers in the United States”, he says. The cheese is produced in limited quantities each year. It comes from over 200 cows, which graze in southern Oregon.
Here, the farmer takes care of his cows, without which a good cheese is impossible to make. In order to obtain the best milk, the soil of the animals is organic. The milk, mixed with plant enzymes, is then stored for 16 hours. Mélodie Picart, manager of The Oregon Cheese Cave, a Frenchwoman in the United States for ten years, appreciates this cheese. “For me it’s a work of art”she says.