discover the results of the academies of Aix-Marseille, Créteil, Lille and Paris published this Friday

The academies of Clermont-Ferrand and Versailles also deliver their verdict. Find the results of the 2024 brevet on franceinfo.


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A student discovers the results of the brevet at her college in Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain), July 10, 2019. (LAURENT THEVENOT / MAXPPP)

The time of deliverance has come for middle school students. The results of the 2024 brevet will be made public from Monday, July 8 to Friday, July 12, academy by academy. The names of the brevet graduates are expected on Friday in six academies. Franceinfo gives you the possibility to browse the results using its search engine.

According to the Ministry of National Education, the academies of Créteil, Paris and Versailles open the show at 11 a.m., followed by Lille at 1 p.m. and Clermont-Ferrand at 2 p.m. Finally, Aix-Marseille brings up the rear at 4 p.m.

Third-year students took the French and mathematics exams on July 1, then the history-geography and science exams on July 2. Replacement sessions for those who were unable to take the June exams are scheduled for September 19 and 20.

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