Discover the ranking of astrological signs from the wisest to the craziest!

Some have the art and the way to take a step back when the situation requires it … While others are known to be very bloody and incapable of making a carefully considered decision! To see more clearly on his personalities who tend to be “wiser” than others, Public invites you to discover a classification of the astrological sign from the wisest to the craziest!

Cancer: Soft and calm, this water astrological sign tends to make the right decisions and to show great wisdom on a daily basis, a real example for those close to him who often wonder how he manages to be so zen!

Virgo: Earth sign par excellence, Virgo never makes a decision on a whim and everything he does and carefully considered! This astrological sign is a pro of the organization and he loves above all that everything is square, especially in his professional life!

Capricorn: Very smart, this astrological sign is also very down to earth … Thus, it would not occur to him to make a rash decision that could endanger him! This very ambitious native knows where he is going and generally, he does nothing at random!

Pisces: Fearful, this astrological sign is often afraid of making a decision that could compromise them! Thus, this astrological sign generally behaves wisely! Attention, it is not exceptional either that this great optimistic dreamer lets himself go from time to time …

Libra: This astrological sign in search of justice, harmony and peace is not a wise person so far … but rather someone serious on whom we can trust …

Gemini: Wise or crazy… This native known to have a “split personality” does not have one of them! He can be extremely thoughtful one day and totally crazy the next!

Taurus: It’s all about balance for this native! There is an hour to be crazy and an hour to be responsible! So this native knows very well how to shamelessly when necessary …

Aquarius: This astrological sign is considered to be the most “perched” in the zodiac for the simple reason that it always does precisely what pleases it without taking into consideration the opinions of others … Consequently, this native is among the most “Crazy”!

Aries: Very impulsive, this Fire sign lets itself be guided entirely by its impulses and desires of the moment! And for good reason, this native of Fire is used to acting before thinking! Thus, we cannot say that Aries is the embodied wisdom …

Sagittarius: The Robinson Crusoe is the most daredevil in the zodiac and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals! There is no question of behaving wisely for this native who consciously chooses to put himself in danger!

Scorpio: This Water astrological sign is considered the most extreme in the zodiac! Therefore, we can hardly say that this native shows wisdom in his daily life …

Leo: It is THE “crazy” of the zodiac! Because they love to be the center of attention, this zodiac sign will do anything to catch the spotlight! Completely eccentric, this native is clearly the type to make an impression!


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