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A new Pixar animated film hits theaters on Wednesday, June 22. These are the adventures of the well-known Buzz Lightyear who, before being a toy, was a real character.
Wednesday June 22, 2022 is the return to the cinema of a little guy whose adventures we have been following for 25 years. It’s Buzz Lightyear, the space ranger from the saga Toy Story. A new animated film is dedicated to him. Pixar invites us to return to the origins of Buzz Lightyear. Before being a toy, he was an astronaut. After being stranded on hostile land, the character makes it his mission to bring his crew home.
Comedian François Civil lends his voice to Buzz Lightyear. He too was fed Toy Story. “As an actor, when you are called to play Buzz (…), it’s a lot of pressure because you want to do well”, recognizes the actor. The last Toy Story brought in nearly 950 million euros for Pixar and had 4.5 million admissions in France. With these astronomical figures, Pixar can endorse Buzz Lightyear’s cult motto: “To infinity and beyond !”
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