discover the macabre story behind the series!

Currently available on Netflix since April 27, 2023, The Nurse is a Danish mini-series that tells the true story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse convicted in 2016 of killing three of her patients at Nykøbing Falster Hospital.

Inspired by an eponymous novel written by Kristian Corfixen, the mini-series in four episodes continues to be talked about and upsets lovers of news items. Want to learn more? Here is everything you need to know about this tragedy which hit the headlines and shook all of Denmark a few years ago.

Drama in the hospital

We are in 2015 in Denmark. Christina Aistrup Hansen is a charismatic nurse respected by the medical community. One night in March, several patients died in his department, without any medical reason. Investigations are requested to solve this mystery.

The next day, Christina posts a message on her Facebook account in which she reveals that this night was one of the worst that she could experience as a nurse. An attitude that several of his colleagues found inappropriate, given the current situation. Faced with this surprising and disturbing attitude, one of her colleagues decides to contact the police. She claims to have seen him lean over a patient, who died of cardiac arrest a few minutes after her visit.

Given the charges against the 31-year-old young woman, an investigation has been opened. The police decide to reopen certain archives, to come back to the questionable deaths in the hospital archives.

chilling revelations

Investigations reveal that Christina Aistrup Hansen murdered three patients, between 2012 and 2015, by administering a lethal dose of morphine to slow their heart rate and cause cardiac arrest. Another patient was also on the verge of death, but was resuscitated in time by the medical teams.

But what motivated these murders? During the trial, experts revealed that Christina had a personality disorder, called “histrionic”, causing her to commit serious acts to draw attention to herself and to seek thrills, no matter what. the way. An egocentric and narcissistic personality therefore, with a manipulative and seductive character according to the Danish media DR.

But that’s not all: during the search, the investigators discovered that Christina was stealing drugs from the hospital and that she administered sleeping pills to her 7-year-old daughter.

Following a 28-day trial in 2016, Christina Aistrup Hansen was sentenced to life imprisonment for three murders and one attempted murder. A sentence revised downwards some time later: she will only remain 12 years behind bars.

The teaser…


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