Arnaud Chassery and Yann Jondot, accessibility ambassadors, have been in Guyana since January 28th. A new adventure along the 500kms of the Maroni River to understand the place given to difference in other civilizations, especially in the most isolated communities in the heart of the Amazonian forest.
Following the shipment “A Summit for a Ramp” – Climbing Kilimanjaro in 2017,
Yann Jondot and Arnaud Chassery had succeeded in getting their message heard at the top of the State,
arguing 5 measures for people with disabilities:
- an accessibility label at the entrance to each municipality (A, B or C)
- Doorbells at chair height in public establishments
- Mobile access ramps available in Town Halls
- A referent for people with disabilities in municipal councils
- Sound amplifiers in ERP (Establishment Receiving the Public)
For the occasion, Arnaud Chassery will bring in his wake the kayaker from Auxerre, world champion Cyril Square. With one motto: nothing is impossible!
During the first week of the solidarity expedition, it stopped in the village of Saul in the heart of the Amazonian forest, where the whole team was able to sleep in a cabin, completely accessible to people with reduced mobility.
– Quentin Furic
Always in the heart of the jungle, at the Brazilian border, along the Oyapok river, Camopithe Arnaud Chassery Foundation, Alopias and theEPNAK (network of structures welcoming people with reduced mobility) have led two days of eye test screening campaign in a landlocked municipality where access to healthcare is difficult
– Quentin Furic
Through Handi’cap on the Amazon, it is obviously a question of highlighting accessibility and more particularly through sport. Thus, Cyril Carré was able to meet young kayakers who have made a traditional canoe. They took the opportunity to explore the wildlife of the Amazonian jungle at night with on the menu: tarantula, boa, oppossums or even giant caterpillars.
– Quentin Furic
Arnaud Chasseryhas, meanwhile, found space in his schedule to swim and cross the Archipelago of the Salvation Islandssadly famous for its prisons and its prisoners, such as Guillaume Seznec or Dreyfus
– Quentin Furic
– Quentin Furic
It also involves promoting the accessibility charter to local authorities and institutions. By showing that people with disabilities, if they are accompanied and have the means necessary for their autonomy, their disability becomes a strength and a contribution to society.