This has been a priority project since the arrival of President Nicolas Holveck in Rennes: Stade Rennais wants to expand and modernize its living space in La Piverdière. The club is planning an extension of 3.5 hectares, i.e. two additional pitches.
It is the architectural firm NeM architectes who will be in charge of the project, the firm which had already designed the layout of the Paris stock exchange, which houses the art collection belonging to the owner of Stade Rennais François Pinault. On its website, the firm has made public the architect’s views of the “Soccer Village” de la Piverdière, which should be delivered in 2023.
New land and green roofs
On the images published by NeM Architectes, we can see green roofs.
– Artefactory
The entrance to La Piverdière designed by NeM Architectes.
– Artefactory
The buildings as designed by the project architects.
– Artefactory
– Artefactory
– Artefactory
A building permit not filed, the opposition still mobilized
As revealed by Ouest-France, the club has not yet submitted its building permit, which should have been done at the end of last year. This Monday, opponents of the project will demonstrate in the town hall square in Rennes. They fear in particular that the club will finally eye on a new plot, larger than the one previously chosen for its extension.