discover the eleven candidates in Creuse

They are 11. 11 candidates to run for the one and only constituency of Creuse for the legislative elections on 12th and 19th June next. The prefecture of the department has just communicated the official list of candidates.

  • Sylvie Bilde (National Gathering). Alternate: Karine Manouvrier
  • Grégory Giroix (Reconquest!). Alternate: Antoine Elie
  • Catherine Couturier (NUPES – Union of the Left). Alternate: Arnaud Chapal
  • Catherine Dumon (Labour struggle). Alternate: Aline Sironneau
  • Jean-Baptiste Moreau (Renaissance, ex-LREM), candidate for re-election. Alternate: Vincent Turpinat.
  • Roubiali Kennedy. Alternate: Céline Caraisco
  • John Auclair (Various right). Alternate: Hélène Pilat
  • Catherine Defemme (Various right). Alternate: Thierry Delaitre
  • Francoise Miran. Alternate: Krystyna Milanowska
  • Élisabeth Durengue (Les Patriotes, Debout la France, Generation Frexit). Alternate: Laurent Lenormand
  • Hélène Josset (The people of France). Alternate: Jean-Pierre Fattal

source site-38