Discover the color that brings you the most luck according to your astrological sign!

Precious stone, day of the week and even plant … Each astrological sign has several lucky charms which are the reflections of its own personality … And obviously, it is the same for the colors! Whether you are Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius, find out which color is linked to your astrological sign!

Aries: Fire sign par excellence, Aries is symbolized by a bright color synonymous with passion: red! A flamboyant shade in the image of his personality full of life!
Taurus: Epicurean par excellence, the sign of Taurus appreciates the charms of nature and the great outdoors! Green, which is also the color of luck and hope, suits it perfectly!
Gemini: The gray color – which mixes black and white – perfectly matches the sign of Gemini! The reason ? This native is known to have a split personality! Very happy in everyday life, this native often hides a darker part of his personality!
Cancer: Honest, empathetic and infinitely sensitive, Cancer is full of appreciable human quality! White, the purest color, is therefore the one that suits it the most!
Leo: Sign of Fire requires, this very bloody and solar native is unsurprisingly linked to the color yellow! A color that you cannot miss, just like this native!
Virgo: This native is associated with the color blue! A color that represents wisdom, one of the main qualities of this native who has his feet firmly on the ground!
Libra: An intermediate color like pink corresponds to the personality of this native always in search of justice and balance!
Scorpio: This native often fascinated by the occult sciences has a mysterious and sometimes even dark personality… This is why the black and the color which sticks the most to his complex personality! A powerful and intense color in its image!
Sagittarius: Symbol of communication and human relationships, the color orange is perfectly suited to the sign of Sagittarius known to be someone very sociable and open-minded!
Capricorn: Earth sign par excellence, what better than brown for this native known to have his head on his shoulders!
Aquarius: Symbol of the power of creativity and dreams… Purple is associated with the atypical and tortured personality of Aquarius… An astrological sign known to be a true artist at heart!
Pisces: For this water sign, what better than turquoise! Symbol of protection against negative energies, this color and in the image of this native always very optimistic and bon vivant!


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