Discover the artist’s incredible house nestled in Lot-et-Garonne…

Over the years, Francis Cabrel has brilliantly established himself on the music scene. His unmissable hits have had the merit of unleashing passions internationally. As proof, Shakira even covered her hit “I love her to death” in Spanish. “It’s a rebirth. There is a new light, I can only thank Shakira for this interpretation. I think his French is very good. She adds sensuality to it, her French is a bit sexy, it adds emotion. It’s miraculous to see a song like that in the mouth of such a young girl […] The song lived on and now it’s resurrected.”confessed Francis Cabrel on the airwaves of RTL.

Despite his countless successes, the main interested party has always known how to keep his feet on the ground. To date, the interpreter of “Corrida” flourishes out of sight in Astaffort. In this village of 2000 inhabitants, the artist is an icon. However, everyone leaves him alone. “From this modest childhood, he retains the love of this town in which he still lives today, in a large white building surrounded by vineyards, which he has been exploiting for many years in the company of his brother Michel”, clarified our colleagues from Darling FM as pointed out PurePeople.

“He thus created two cultural associations of the city…”

It is also there that he composes! In the countryside, inspiration never fails him: “It’s also where he recorded several of his albums, having set up his own studio there, the Studio Éphémère. It is within its walls that most of the pieces of his albums took shape. […]. “. Alongside his hotel-restaurant which he manages with a master hand, Francis Cabrel is also very involved in bringing life to the town.

“He created two cultural associations in the city, Musique et culture, which provides music, dance and theater lessons to young students in the region; and Voix du Sud, a structure for internships and sponsorships of local artists which gives rise to an annual event, the Rencontres d’Astaffort », affirmed the famous radio. Well, you know everything!


to see also: Bernard Tapie his house in Saint-Tropez will leave you speechless and its selling price too!

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