discover the Arab queer culture exhibited at the IMA in Paris

The Arab World Institute (IMA) shows the ferment of queer culture in the Arab-Muslim world with the exhibition “Habibi, the revolutions of love”. Guided tour with Elodie Bouffard, curator of the exhibition.

Twenty-three artists (painters, photographers, visual artists, illustrators, etc.) from the Maghreb, Mashreq, Iran and Afghanistan but also from the diaspora are exhibited at the Institut du monde arabe (IMA), in Paris. Habibi, the revolutions of love aims according to the organizers of “to make visible what has remained invisible for too long”. Elodie Bouffard, curator of the exhibition, explains her intention: “As in many other regions of the world, struggles are being played out in the Arab world to be able to freely express one’s gender identity and sexuality. The popular uprisings of recent years have profoundly upset societies and have led to an amplification of LGBTQIA+ activism. “. The artists question memory, public space, exile, visibility and society. Exhibited on two levels, their works are powerful, combative, festive or questioning. An exceptional exhibition not to be missed. Guided tour.

Warning: access to certain works presented during this exhibition is reserved for adults only. “Habibi, the revolutions of love”, IMA, Paris, until February 19, 2023.

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