Cat’s Eyes has premiered on TF1, featuring Constance Labbé, Camille Lou, and Claire Romain in leading roles. The series captivates with its ambitious plot, stunning visuals, and a talented cast, including Carole Bouquet and Élodie Fontan. Rising star MB14 makes his acting debut as Quentin Dupuis, following a successful music career as a beatboxer and a notable run on The Voice. The show’s episodes continue on November 18, promising thrilling adventures for viewers.
Cat’s Eyes Premieres on TF1
After months of anticipation, the inaugural episodes of Cat’s Eyes have made their debut on TF1, showcasing the talents of Constance Labbé (Sylia), Camille Lou (Tamara), and Claire Romain (Alexia) in this exciting new series. With its ambitious storyline, stunning visuals, and exceptional cast, the show promises to captivate audiences.
Joining the talented lineup are Carole Bouquet (Hélène) and Élodie Fontan (Prudence), along with the rising star MB14, who steps into the role of Quentin Dupuis. His performance is particularly impressive, especially considering this marks just his second acting role.
From Music to Acting: The Journey of MB14
Born Mohamed Belkhir on June 19, 1994, MB14 first gained fame through his participation in the fifth season of The Voice. His journey into the world of rap began at the age of 12, igniting a passion for crafting his own lyrics.
Specializing in beatboxing, MB14 honed his skills by watching online tutorials starting in 2010. He fell in love with the idea of creating music using just his voice and a loop station, eventually adopting the name MB14, a nod to his initials and lucky number. His unique ability to layer sounds live has drawn comparisons to the renowned English artist Beardyman, known for his pioneering live looping performances.
MB14’s career took off when he won the Tremplin des jeunes at the Picardie Mouv3 festival in 2015. That same year, he joined the Toulouse group Berywam, with whom he clinched the title of French beatbox champion in teams in 2016 and went on to become the world champion in 2018.
His breakout moment came in 2016 when he finished as the runner-up in The Voice, gaining widespread recognition. He returned for the all-stars season in 2021, finishing third behind Louis Delort and Anne Sila.
In 2022, MB14 ventured into acting, portraying the character Antoine in Claude Zidi’s film Ténor, alongside Michèle Laroque. In 2023, he participated in Britain’s Got Talent, dazzling the judges and audience with his beatboxing skills, earning the coveted Golden Buzzer from presenters Ant and Dec, which propelled him straight to the live semi-finals. Unfortunately, he was eliminated at that stage.
This year also saw him take on the role of Quentin Chapuis in Cat’s Eyes, marking his television debut. His journey is nothing short of extraordinary! Don’t miss the continuation of the adventures of these remarkable heroines on TF1, airing on November 18.