Discover “La Lorraine des Sciences”, the new scientific meeting of France Bleu Lorraine

Simple answers to complex questions (and vice versa)

“What is a star?” “Why is the wrapping paper tearing?” Have you ever asked yourself the question? And above all, have you found a simple and enlightening answer to these questions ?!

Lorraine des Sciences asks the right questions!

For these end-of-year celebrations, France Bleu Lorraine offers you a new scientific column who intends to answer all these questions every day at 7.45 am and 9.40 am.

Antoine Guiton, researcher at the Laboratory for the Study of Microstructures and Mechanics of Materials – LEM3 (University of Lorraine, CNRS, Arts et Métiers) and teacher at the IUT of Metz, makes us discover the scientific phenomena linked to the end-of-year celebrations, with Ilan Malka.

Antoine Guiton, at the microphone of France Bleu Lorraine

Listen to all the episodes of “La Lorraine des Sciences”

And find the new episodes of “La Lorraine des Sciences” every weekend, starting January 8, at 7.20 a.m.

>>> To discover: the interview with Antoine Guiton to read on the Factuel website, the info of the University of Lorraine

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