“Discover it by chance like that”: Vanessa Demouy evokes this sneaking blow from her son Solal …

Featured in TF1’s flagship series Here it all begins – where she brilliantly interprets the role of Rose Latour – Vanessa Demouy confided in TV-Leisure on his career as well as on his family life. An interview made in full transparency during which the 48-year-old actress shared news of her eldest son Solal (born from his previous relationship with Philippe Lellouche, with whom she is still not divorced).

The young man, now 18, is proud of his parents’ career. A fascination which encouraged him, moreover, spent the casting of the series behind his mother’s back. “I found out that my son had passed the casting, I was not aware“, explained the mother of the family. And to add, amused:”He was not taken because he was young when he passed the casting, he was 17. When I see the actors who were taken, they are much more adult, they are between 23 and 28 years old. Solal was really baby.“A step that the young teenager had announced to him once the casting was over.”But I found the process so funny, to discover it by chance like that. He told me about it once it was done“, she added.

A young man with great abilities

Recently, Vanessa Demouy confided in an interview with our colleagues – on newsstands since November 29, 2021 – on the characteristic of her son Solal, diagnosed with high intellectual potential. “My son quit his studies when he was 16. (…) It is a child who was diagnosed early very early, he was diagnosed with HPI“, she explained, mentioning then that the brother of Sharlie (10 years) was very affected by this during all his schooling:”He felt stigmatized, not at all helped (…) It is true that his schooling was synonymous with suffering for him, he did not feel understood or supported. It was really very difficult. “

Find the interview with Vanessa Demouy in full in the latest edition of Tele-Leisure.

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