Disappointing tomorrows | The duty

As we prepare to enter the post-pandemic era (and many believe we are already there!), the future of the Earth appears even more ominous than ever.

The immense contamination in five tsunami waves gave us hope that our development and our modernization could in the future be more respectful of human life and the vital whole of the planet. The sacrifices of the pandemic had left us dreaming that a new contagion of solidarity could make us evolve out of this idea of ​​the selfish and solitary path of every man for himself. But when we see brutality and pettiness emerge without complex in the name of freedom and appear like pustules on a sick body, we become disillusioned. We were eager to see everything that was ready to change transform to move faster and start a de-escalation of climate change. We naively believed that there would be greater social cohesion. To see the residential districts of the cities being besieged with horns and interference (to the point of preventing the ambulances from passing), to see abroad the bellicose autocrat Putin advancing his tanks to threaten a population, or even dictator Xi Jinping stifle democracy in Taiwan, we end up being deeply disillusioned. The advance of these “freedom convoys” resembles above all a policy of appropriation of the territory and the life of the other, a policy of the strongest the pocket. For the moment, the tomorrows do not sing very loudly. Humanity has, however, at this moment a rare and unique chance to reflect on its common destiny. It is clear that it must go further in solidarity.

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