disappointed by his behavior, Jamel Debbouze attacks Kylian Mbappé

Spectacular turn of events. While he declined the “invitation” of Real Madrid, and the proposal of an XXL contract to play for the most successful club in history, Kylian Mbappé surprised everyone and finally extended the adventure at the club. of his heart: PSG. But this Tuesday, October 11, the nugget from Bondy once again surprised the football world when he expressed his desires to leave and this from the winter transfer window. For the moment, the Parisian player has not yet spoken on this story. The announcement of a departure comes from his entourage and no one really knows if he will leave France next January.

But for players in the world of football, the behavior of the player does not pass. Emmanuel Petit, for example, attacked Kylian Mbappé on the airwaves of RMC by criticizing the Parisian striker for not thinking about the team and especially his club. On the side of Jamel Debbouze, the news acted as a bomb and saddened him greatly.

Jamel Debbouze uses his charms

This is why, in the morning of France Interthis Wednesday, October 12, the companion of Mélissa Theuriau took the floor and launched an appeal to the French international. “Listen to me Kylian. You absolutely must not leave PSG, because, first: it’s your favorite club, you were born there, you’re going to end up there…first launched Jamel Debbouze before giving him more than convincing arguments: We need a Champions League… We can’t do otherwise. You can’t come and not give us a Champions League”.

For his part, the Parisian sports director, Luis Campos, also announced on the departure, however denied the information to Canal +. “In this case, it’s special because we’re a few hours away from a very, very important match and it’s serious. Serious because my name is there too and above all because I’m still with Kylian Mbappé, he never spoke to me about leaving in January. The president never spoke about leaving in January. That’s why I’m here: to deny and say clearly that Kylian never spoke to me, nor to me or the president, to leave PSG in January”, he assured. It remains to be seen whether what is happening behind the scenes is different from the official version.

See also: Kylian Mbappé stays at PSG: his presumed darling Emma Smet comes out of silence to talk about what she “will never forget”


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