Disappeared on February 14, she is finally found in an unexpected place!

On February 14, relatives of Gayle Stewart, an American mother, reported her missing. In the evening, the latter had even organized a search to try to find her. During the search, a friend of the missing woman’s son finally made a terrible discovery. The young woman was clinging to a tree in a steep area.

“In fact, it’s a kind of miracle”said Seth Williams, battalion chief of the fire department of Reno, Nevada, after managing to get the mom out of there. “The son called some friends to start looking for her and one of the boys just decided to leave that cliff thinking she might have fallen there. And he found her hanging on a tree. He said the only thing she said was ‘help’ and she didn’t speak again after that.”. Words reported by kolo tv.

After discovering his friend’s mother, the young hero immediately called the emergency services. A team of about 28 people was then formed and thanks to a system of ropes, they seem to have managed to get Gayle Stewart out of this situation.

“That’s what I told the young man who found it, I said it was really a lifesaver. With the rain and snow expected to arrive tonight, she’s already been exposed to a lot for nearly 12 hours. It could have been a very different outcome if he hadn’t found her at the right time.”, explained Seth Williams. Several days after the incident, the mother of the family is still in the hospital, the doctors seem to think that she should recover very quickly.

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