Disappearance of little Émile: the beatings with the volunteers cease, the search continues


Video length: 1 min.


The beats will stop as part of the search for little Émile, who has been missing since Saturday July 8 in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Update on the situation on site with journalist Madjid Khiat.

Major change of strategy at Vernet (Alpes de Haute Provence). “It was explained by the prefect of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Marc Chappuis: finished the hunts, which lasted nearly 48 hours with nearly 800 people who were present to participate in his hunts alongside professionals such as firefighters or gendarmes”indicates, Monday, July 10, the journalist Madjid Khiat, here on the spot.

Specialized means

From Tuesday, only gendarmes and firefighters will participate in the search, with “specialized means implemented” and “additional canine resources“, as well as indicated the prefecture. More targeted research will be organized on the hamlet and the surrounding area. Nearly 50 hours after Emile disappeared, residents across the region still hope he will be found alive.

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