disappearance of Lina, 15 years old, TF1 reveals the new testimony of her boyfriend, Tao!

Despite strenuous searches, no news from Lina. Since Saturday September 23, 2023, the 15-year-old teenager has not been found. Her route was to take her to Strasbourg station where her boyfriend Tao was waiting for her. However, according to the latter’s statements, it would not be “never came down” of the train. Worried, the 19-year-old young man then walked through the station “with her mother (Lina’s mother, editor’s note) on the phone”without success, he explained at the microphone of LCI.

During his interview with our colleagues from TF1, an exclusive extract of which has just been revealed on the channel’s X account, formerly Twitter, the young man also mentioned their relationship. If he has known Lina for 4 years, it is only since August 10 that he has been seeing the young woman. “JI’ve been a lot more present since August 10, it was his birthday. I then moved to Strasbourg.”he explained to journalists.

Also see: “She never came down”: for the first time Tao, Lina’s boyfriend, speaks and makes a disturbing revelation

“Not seeing her anymore is complicated”

For him, Lina occupies a particularly important place in his life, in which case, he assures that he “wouldn’t be there.” According to him, Lina was “always smiling, always in a good mood, always very happy that she is with me or with people in general. Not seeing her anymore is complicated.” Since the disappearance of the teenager, he says he has done nothing other than try to find her. “I’m searching, that’s all I’m doing. There’s nothing else to do. Sleeping means not searching, doing other things means not searching, so we search.”

Very worried, he also explained that he immediately understood that something was wrong. “JI understood it before it was said. I called her mother before she arrived in Strasbourg to tell her there was something strange. I waited for the train to arrive on the station platform and she never got off.”. And to conclude: I drove around the station several times calling her mother because I always kept her informed and then I drove down the road to come here.” A moving testimony…


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