Disappearance of Jade, 18: Accused of lying, her mother “speechless” in the face of heavy allegations

After a nightmare week for Karin Gélain faced with the disappearance of her daughter Jade (18 years old) on August 24, 2022, the weekend announced a little more serenity since her child was found four days later. But the mother in distress has not finished since she had to post a message this Sunday, August 28, to put things in the clear. Indeed, accused of having wanted to create a buzz by launching a call for help which was relayed by a multitude of stars, the influential personality of the world of cinema wrote a message to respond to the various allegations propagated on the networks. by people”holders of their truth“.

Karin Gélain confirmed that Jade ran away two years ago and that she had already asked for help in this situation. “Following this episode it was agreed with Jade that as long as she lived with me, she informed me as soon as she returned after 9 p.m. The night of the 24th to the 25th, Jade didn’t come home, her phone turned off… I panicked. Jade had never broken her word since 2020, so I launched an alert on the networks in order to have information as quickly as possible so as not to relive the traumatic events of 2020“, she wanted to clarify.

After thanking the multitude of people who allowed the young woman to be found, in a state of shock but saved, Karin Gelain points to the attacks she received: “I am speechless by the surge of hatred caused by people who calculate realities. I was surprised to learn that a teenager could never disappear without giving sign of life more than once in her life. I am really saddened that people can find pleasure in insulting me and threatening me, I sincerely pity you.Stating that an investigation is underway into the circumstances of her disappearance, she then put her Instagram account in private to be able to breathe and take a step back, before making it available to the public to be able to express herself.

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