Disappearance of Giovanna Trapani | The SPVM deploys a command post

Investigators from the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM) deployed a mobile command post on Sunday to try to find Giovanna Trapani, missing since September 29 in Cartierville.

The command post is located at Beauséjour Park, at 6891 Gouin Boulevard West.

Giovanna Trapani was last seen on Friday September 29 near Toupin Boulevard in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough. She wore a mid-length red coat, baggy brown pants, and a yellow grocery bag.

She is five feet tall, has white hair and speaks French. “We have reason to fear for his health and safety,” indicates the SPVM in a press release.

The SPVM invites anyone who has information to come to the command post. It is also possible to communicate anonymously and confidentially with Info-Crime Montréal at 514 393-1133 or via the reporting form available on the infocrimemontreal.ca website.

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