Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: why did Cédric promise money to a fellow prisoner?

When a certain Marco reveals to have explosive information on the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar coming from the very husband of the Tarn nurse, of whom we have not heard from since December 2020, the case experiences a major rebound. The man who held these confidences was Cédric Jubillar’s cell neighbor in the Toulouse-Seysses remand center. In this establishment, he was able to discuss with the one who is the number 1 suspect of the investigation, in pre-trial detention for homicide by spouse. Now released, he looks back on his approach to collaborating with justice and his relationship with the painter-plasterer in question.

By giving an interview to a media for the first time, Le Parisien-Today in France, the one who is nicknamed Marco to preserve his identity wants to clarify some things. He returned to his criminal liabilities – he spent sixteen years in prison – and recalled that he had not benefited from the favor of justice by working with her for the Jubillar case, which the Toulouse prosecutor’s office confirmed. This interview allows him to tell readers about his relationship with Cédric Jubillar. The latter had promised him money in exchange for services rendered.

For Marco, the husband of Delphine Jubillar, with whom she was in divorce proceedings, wanted him to do her the favor of going to see his new companion with letters made of coded messages, Séverine, and promises her a counterpart: “He promises to return me the favor financially once he sells his house.” Cédric asked Marco to meet the 40-year-old, telling him that she “knows everything“and that she goes”show him where Delphine is buried“. But it was not the money that motivated him to speak, but the desire to solve the mystery, “so that Delphine’s children will one day know where their mother is“.

With this information, Marco therefore felt “in the obligation to tell all this to a person who works in the penitentiary intelligence service“who will be responsible for warning the gendarmes. They will undertake excavations in the areas concerned, in vain. Questioned for the RMC story documentary on the case, the famous Séverine, cleared by the courts, denied having any information and thinks that Cédric especially wanted to play with the forces of order.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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