Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: What does the analysis of the traces of blood on the duvet and in the car reveal?

Without a body or a crime scene, the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar is slow to be elucidated, seventeen months after that fateful night in Cagnac-les-Mines. In December 2020, the mother of Louis and Elyah, in divorce proceedings from Cédric Jubillar currently in pre-trial detention for spousal homicide, evaporates and his relatives are exhausted waiting for clues to find his trace. In this context, the few material elements have an immense weight, such as the duvet of the couple and the car of a friend of the family in which there are traces of blood.

After 14 months of waiting, The Dispatch revealed the results of quilt analysis found at the home of Cédric and Delphine Jubillar, on which the nurse slept before her disappearance. Initially, this thick sheet had attracted attention because described in the washing machine when the gendarmes arrived at Cédric Jubillar after he informed them of the disappearance of his wife.

However, in January 2022, the description of the house when the police came was clarified and the duvet was not in the machine but on the sofa in the living room. However, the duvet was washed out a little later, because, as Cédric Jubillar had put it, the dogs “had urinated on it“. The very latest expertise carried out on this blanket and on the striped duvet cover, at the request of the examining magistrates, ultimately found no trace of hemoglobin of human origin.

What about the blood in the vehicle of someone close to Cédric Jubillar? Last February, seven traces had been found in this car : on the front seats and in the rear trunk of a white Peugeot 306. According to the tests, these alleged blood spots have nothing to do with hemoglobin as indicated The Dispatch, after the passage of bluestar and other supplements to detect blood elements. According to the analysis of the samples taken by the gendarmes, it was rather biological fluids, in particular sweat.

Other expert reports, however, are not in favor of the Tarn night nurse’s husband: the glasses she wore to watch television with her son on the evening of her disappearance were indeed broken by an external force. The young child had also certified that he had heard these parents arguing that evening. Finally, the psychiatric expert of the 34-year-old painter and plasterer presents him as a man living very badly with the failure of his marriage. For the prosecution lawyers, he is perfectly capable of having committed the irreparable.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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