Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: What does the analysis of her husband’s pedometer reveal?

Considered the number one suspect in the disappearance of his wife Delphine Jubillar, Cédric had been suspected by investigators of not even having looked for his wife following her disappearance. The gendarmes had advanced this argument after having analyzed the pedometer on the telephone of the 34-year-old painter-plasterer. This one had only recorded 46 steps between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, date of the disappearance of Albi’s nurse. A very low figure which would indeed indicate that Louis and Elyah’s dad would not have bothered to look for his wife.

But new disturbing elements have appeared in the file of this case according to information from RTL. First of all, the investigators did not specify that Cédric’s phone was switched off from 10:08 p.m. to 3:53 a.m. and that these 46 steps were therefore taken. in 7 minutes. In addition, between 4 and 5 in the morning, the painter-drywall would have carried out 255 steps according to RTL. As a reminder, Cédric Jubillar called the gendarmes to report the disappearance of his wife at 4:50 am. We can therefore think that he looked for his wife in all the rooms of the house, according to the defense lawyers.

Established on December 16, 2020, this new information has just reached the lawyers of Cédric Jubillar, currently imprisoned in Seysses prison since June 2021. Shocked to learn these crucial details so late, the lawyers of the painter-plasterer denounce a relentlessness on their client. “I can tell you that there are many other elements that have been deceptively presented, twisted by the investigators and the prosecution.“, also added Maître Alexandre Martin, one of the three defense lawyers.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the final judgment of the case.

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