Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: This improbable nickname that Cédric chose in prison

On June 18, 2021, Cédric Jubillar was arrested and then imprisoned in the Seysses remand center near Toulouse, accused of spousal homicide. Delphine’s husband claims his innocence, but the justice system believes that she has enough evidence to keep him behind bars. In prison, Cédric Jubillar tried to forge a character and a reputation for himself, in an environment where egos are numerous and powerful. This is how he chose a very particular nickname…

Arriving in the isolation area of ​​the penitentiary center, the 34-year-old craftsman did not wish to reveal his identity to his cell neighbors. One of them confided in a judicial police officer, Le Breton, whose remarks are reported in the pages of Release. We thus learn that Cédric Jubillar presented himself as Jon Snow, no less than the great hero of the medieval and fantastic saga of George RR Martin! “But he was grilled in the first round, we knew him from TV“, then specifies the source, full of malice.

So even if it means being “grilled” because he went to the JT on the small screen, you might as well play it. It would seem that the husband of the disappeared from Cagnac-les-Mines took pleasure in taking himself for a star, aware of the media coverage of the case. He will even go so far as to make macabre statements and could have made false confessions to another inmate to cover his tracks. Indeed, an ex-prisoner had collected confidences from the Tarnais according to which he would have indicated the place where the body of the mother of his children is. A track that has been explored carefully but in vain, suggesting a stroke of mischief by Cédric.

When he has to answer for all his sordid and provocative statements, Cédric Jubillar explains to the investigating judges that he has the right “to tell jokes, to say nonsense“. An attitude that illustrates well the immature temperament, pointed out by the psychiatrist who analyzed him.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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