Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: The strategy she had put in place to see her lover

When Delphine Jubillar suddenly disappears on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, the Tarn nurse is not only in divorce proceedings with her husband Cédric, the father of her children Louis and Elyah. She is preparing to write a new chapter in her love life with another man, whom she met during the previous summer. A story that they wanted to live out in broad daylight after the end of the year celebrations, before this evening changed everything. It is therefore only in secret that the two lovers were able to take advantage of their relationship. The New Detective reveals how the two lovers were able to discreetly manage their affair during the pandemic.

In the April 27, 2022 edition of New Detective, many details are given on the extra-marital relationship of Delphine Jubillar and the man, a piano teacher, whom she met via the Gleeden application. We thus learn their stratagem to see each other in hotels in the region, in Albi, Bruguières or Gaillac: “In order not to be spotted, they use tricks. Jean enters the establishment first, then phones Delphine to tell her the room number. She then joins him, her face hidden by her surgical mask..

If their hidden story spices up the dull daily life of the thirty-year-old who suffers her relationship with her husband, she hoped to formalize her situation in 2021. Her lover’s wife had discovered their relationship and after discussion, she accepted it, only asking them to not to settle down together before the new year. On the side of Cédric Jubillar, things are more complex.

Egocentric, cannabis consumer, spending large sums in online games, abusing their children… The portrait – supported by his psychiatric expertise – that Delphine’s entourage makes of him does not suggest that he could have take well the idea that his wife leaves him for another. In any case, this is the thesis put forward by the lawyer for the young woman’s relatives, master Battikh: his behavior would then have led him to commit the irreparable. He is currently imprisoned in pre-trial detention in the Toulouse-Seysses remand center for spousal homicide.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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