Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: the quilt analyzed, the result finally revealed!

A long and complex investigation… For more than a year now, the police have been desperately looking for what could have happened to Delphine Jubillar, a young nurse who disappeared during a cold night in December 2020. And if the investigation had evolved from next to her husband Cédric, suspected and imprisoned, a new element could well change things. Indeed, the police announced, according to Le Parisien, that the quilt analyzed from the start of the investigation did not contain any trace of blood.

But why was this quilt, seized from the very beginning of the research, so important? We offer you a little throwback: when the police arrive at the couple’s home for the first time, it is 4:50 am and Delphine has just been declared missing for a few minutes. According to her husband’s version, she went out to walk the dogs, which came back without her during the night. But far from looking for her, he is doing laundry.

In the machine, the famous duvet that the young 33-year-old nurse used to sleep on the sofa. Indeed, the couple was in full separation and made room apart. Quickly, the investigators find the story suspicious. When the Jubillar’s son and several neighbors evoke shouting and arguments, they end up summoning Cédric Jubillar and indicting him for murder.

Even if we now know that the examination of the duvet gave nothing, an element which will surely be used by the defense of the plasterer, there are still many gray areas which have not been resolved. And if Cédric Jubillar continues to proclaim his innocence in the media and to the judges, in private, he would have made other confessions. Indeed, unpleasant and insulting with his wife’s friends, he would boast of having carried out the perfect crime according to telephone tapping.

Recently, he would also have made some revelations to his cellmate, a certain Marco. According to him, he admitted to having killed his wife on the sofa. He then allegedly transported the body in a white car that did not belong to him. And this car may have been found recently!

Indeed, a friend of the couple owns a white Peugeot 306 in which traces of blood were found after an analysis. For the moment, no one knows if the blood found is indeed that of the young woman sought: it will be necessary to wait for the end of the analyzes in March.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is charged until his final judgment.

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