Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: the behavior of the neighbors questions… “Silence makes you an accomplice”!

With difficulty, the investigation into the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar is progressing. But after seventeen months, those around the nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines, mother of two young children, find it increasingly difficult to accept her unexplained absence. Friends of the much-loved young woman have set up a Facebook page dedicated to her. She bears her maiden name, Aussaguel, because her relatives certainly did not want that of her husband to appear, with whom she was in divorce proceedings and who is the number 1 suspect, currently in pre-trial detention for almost a year. year. On May 23, 2022, they issued a powerful message to urge anyone with information to contact the authorities.

Silence makes you complicit. If it was your daughter, your sister, your friend, you’d be begging people to talk! So we are begging you to speak. It is not possible that Delphine disappeared without anyone having seen or heard anything. Speak, even anonymouslyt”, can we read on Facebook. “17 months! That’s enough now ! There is someone who has heard, seen or knows something.” A few days later, a new, heartbreaking appeal was launched: “Tell the truth, for me, for my children, for my family, for my friends, for everyone I loved.”

The entourage of Delphine Jubillar née Aussaguel has been very active since the first day of her disappearance. Research alongside the police, white marches and masses in tribute to the young woman followed one another. Several people who knew the young woman well agreed to testify in front of the camera, for BFMTV or even in the documentary broadcast on RMC Story, co-directed by the journalist specializing in the case, Ronan Folgoas. The objective is to show the other version than the one presented by her husband, claiming her innocence and arguing that she had left in the middle of the night to walk her dogs.

For the lawyer for Delphine’s family members, the presumed motive of this ideal culprit is clear: “Cédric Jubillar appears as a compulsively jealous husband who saw his wife escape him. Understanding that there was no turning back possible and that he could never win her back, he would have taken action.Neighbors told police that they heard screeching the last night the nurse was seen. Others pointed to the strange change in orientation of the Jubillar couple’s parked car on morning following the night of his disappearance.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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