Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: Sordid revelations, Cédric inquired about “the burial of corpses”!

Since June 2021, Cédric Jubillar has been behind bars, in the Toulouse-Seysses remand center in Haute-Garonne. Justice has decided to remand the husband of the missing Tarn nurse, Delphine Jubillar, in pre-trial detention, believing that they have enough evidence to keep him in prison and to conduct the investigation without hindrance. During his stay, the painter-plasterer with whom the thirty-something and mother of two children was preparing to divorce, was able to discuss with another prisoner. Nicknamed Marco and now released, he gradually obtained confidences from this number 1 suspect. Once released, he wanted to bring it to justice in the hope of advancing the investigation. For The Parisianhe speaks publicly for the first time, revealing important details about the case.

According to Marco, cell neighbor of Cédric Jubillar, the latter would have inquired about the burial of corpses. Indeed, over time, he has collected some shocking secrets from the man who is accused of the murder of his wife: “He was asking me for details on the burial of corpses… He was worried about the possibility that a buried body would end up being discovered because of the weather or the animals. That’s where he tells me that his wife’s body is buried not far from a place that burned down. He also tells me about two large trees, without giving any further explanation.

Words that had everything to be explosive. However, when Marco confided in the justice system once released, and she carried out new research using his information, no trace of Delphine Jubillar’s body was found. The excavations of the authorities in the surroundings of the famous farm, carried out at full speed with a lot of material, did not make it possible to obtain any clues. What to question the value of the words of Marco according to the lawyers of the painter-plasterer who atomized his revelations.

Confronted in May with Cédric Jubillar, the former criminal from Corsica with a heavy legal past decided to express himself in The Parisian to establish his truth and prove that, even if the investigation was not resolved, he wished to contribute in all sincerity to finding clues or even a body.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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