Who is this famous Marco who added himself as a protagonist in the investigation into the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar? Presented as a criminal who rubbed shoulders with her husband Cédric – number 1 suspect in the case – in prison and who came out with explosive revelations, he aroused as much interest as questions. For the first time, he speaks in the media to restore his truth and clarify many points. He chose to do it in the columns of the Parisian-Today in France, one of whose journalists, Ronan Folgoas, worked for more than a year on this unsolved case. He answers his questions and explains in particular why he transmitted everything he knew to justice.
Having spent sixteen years behind bars, the one who is nicknamed Marco is a former criminal with a very full criminal record. During his life, he met many people and not all recommendable who know him well. The Corsican now settled in Portugal since his release – which is not a favor of justice because of his collaboration – he wants to pay attention to his reputation and his life: “I don’t want this story to turn against me. So, let’s be clear: I am not a libra who would have monetized his information in return for I don’t know what early release and who would have acted in his personal interest..”
While seeking little by little to obtain information on the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar when he was Cédric Jubillar’s cellmate, Marco wanted to reveal the truth for two people: Louis and Elyah, the children of the nurse who disappeared without a trace since December 2020. He wants these two little “know one day where their mother is“: “I did all of this for them. Just because I have a thug past and spent years in prison doesn’t mean I’m not human. I just wish the same had been done for me if my mother had disappeared.“
However, the revelations that the former prisoner made to justice did not make it possible to obtain clues, even a body. Did Cédric Jubillar want to fool the authorities by making believe that he was revealing things to his former fellow prisoner? His troubled personality is in any case confirmed when we see Marco’s portrait of him: talkative, even manipulative, both proud of the notoriety he acquired in prison, nicknaming his wife “the other” but claiming his innocence. The two men were confronted in court in May and each remained on his positions.
Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.